How to build the business case for HREFLang

Bill Hunt, President of Back Azimuth Consulting, delves into the intricacies of HREFLang implementation and its significance for businesses operating in multiple languages and regions. He explains how properly using HREFLang can enhance search engine visibility and user experience across different countries. Bill also provides practical strategies for building a compelling business case for HREFLang, emphasizing its impact on SEO and global market reach.
About the speaker

Bill Hunt

Back Azimuth Consulting

 - Back Azimuth Consulting

Bill is President of Back Azimuth Consulting

Show Notes

  • 03:10
    Frustrations SEOs face with Ahrefs Lang in global markets.
    The discussion highlights how internal organizational processes and the development of web experiences create challenges in utilizing Ahrefs-Lang effectively.
  • 05:45
    Historical development and personal involvement with Ahrefs Lang.
    The guest shares their early experiences with XML sitemaps at IBM and the evolution of Ahrefs-Lang to address content duplication issues across languages.
  • 08:30
    Building a business case for investing in Ahrefs Lang.
    Exploring the necessity of demonstrating the value and potential ROI of Ahrefs-Lang to secure investment and reduce operational friction.
  • 11:20
    Challenges with third
    Discusses the skepticism and challenges faced when integrating third-party tools, particularly from agencies wary of consulting overlaps.
  • 14:00
    The cost implications of implementing Ahrefs Lang solutions.
    A detailed look at the financial aspects, including the costs of licensing tools, paying agencies, and internal changes needed to support Ahrefs-Lang.


  • "If you want to illustrate this problem, do it as simply as possible using phrases like cannibalization, card abandonment, things that normal people can relate to." - Bill Hunt

  • "One of the things I tell people in a business case is build the opportunity statement." - Bill Hunt

  • "I always try to avoid wherever humanly possible, making something an SEO task. You know, because SEO is like the most underappreciated and often despised group." - Bill Hunt

  • "There's a cost to license a tool: pay an agency to do something, or make changes internally." - Bill Hunt

About the speaker

Bill Hunt

Back Azimuth Consulting

 - Back Azimuth Consulting

Bill is President of Back Azimuth Consulting

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